Irrigation of organic greenhouse cucumber with a low cost wireless soil moisture sensor

I.H. Tuzel, Y. Tüzel, G.B. Öztekin, U. Tunali
This study was conducted to study a new soil moisture sensor for organic greenhouse cucumber production during the fall and spring seasons of 2013 and 2014. Irrigation scheduling based on a low cost, short-range, wireless soil moisture sensor was compared to irrigation based on Class-A pan evaporation. Total yield was higher in sensor controlled irrigation treatment in both growing periods. Total amounts of applied irrigation water were 129 and 298 mm in sensor controlled treatment in fall and spring growing seasons, respectively, whereas they were 141 and 353 mm in Class-A pan evaporation treatment. The water use efficiency based on yield and irrigation water applied was higher in sensor controlled treatment (53 kg m-3), whereas it was 37 kg m-3 in the irrigation treatment based on Class-A pan evaporation. It was concluded that water saving up to 17% could be provided with sensor controlled irrigation in both growing seasons.
Tuzel, I.H., Tüzel, Y., Öztekin, G.B. and Tunali, U. (2017). Irrigation of organic greenhouse cucumber with a low cost wireless soil moisture sensor. Acta Hortic. 1164, 305-310
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1164.38
root zone sensors, Class-A Pan, yield, water use efficiency

Acta Horticulturae