Structure of organic vegetable farming, share of greenhouse area and fertilizer use - results of a survey in Germany

H.J. Reents, B. Geyer, P. von Fragstein
A status quo survey was carried out by oral interviews among 100 organic vegetable farmers throughout Germany. Out of a wide range of topics the farm structure, share of protected cultivation and the use of fertilizers are analyzed. The farm sizes ranged from ‹1 ha up to ›100 ha with a maximum between 1 and 10 ha. The range of vegetable area was found between 0.7 and 140 ha. The sum of all protected areas within the 100 farms resulted in 116,848 m2. They were mainly covered by glass, less by plastics. Beside these stable houses, some farmers used low or mobile plastic tunnels. More than 60% of the covered area was not heated, a clear indication for less intensive production systems. Farm yard manure was accessible as on-farm source at most of the farms, mainly as cattle manure. In addition purchased dung as cattle or horse manure was often used for the replacement of degraded organic matter in soil. Among other purchased fertilizers the use of organic nitrogenous fertilizers was dominating.
Reents, H.J., Geyer, B. and von Fragstein, P. (2017). Structure of organic vegetable farming, share of greenhouse area and fertilizer use - results of a survey in Germany. Acta Hortic. 1164, 507-512
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1164.66
survey, fertilization, crop rotation, sheltered vegetable production

Acta Horticulturae