Cytogenetic analysis of section Martagon of Lilium on Jeju Island
A detailed analysis of chromosomes and phenotypic characteristics of section Martagon of the genus Lilium was carried out in this study.
Jeju Island is quite unique for the Korean peninsula because of its geographic isolation, which gave these species phenotypic and genetic differences compared with those from inland on the Korean peninsula.
Lilies growing on Jeju Island have characteristics similar to Lilium tsingtauense, but definitely have phenotypic differences, e.g., wavy mottles on leaves, a distinct smell, and dark spots on petals.
These phenotypic variations differ from inland species, and also among individuals themselves.
For a greater understanding, FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) was performed to distinguish these species from each other and to analyze chromosomal differences according to their locations on Jeju Island, along with comparisons with chromosomal analysis of inland Lilium species belonging to section Martagon.
In all samples of section Martagon from Jeju Island, FISH analysis revealed eight signals of 45S rDNA on chromosomes 3, 4 and 5, and two signals of 5S rDNA on chromosome 3, right below the 45S rDNA signals.
In comparison, inland Martagon lilies showed different numbers and patterns of loci.
Ahn, S.M., Lim, K.B. and Hwang, Y.J. (2017). Cytogenetic analysis of section Martagon of Lilium on Jeju Island. Acta Hortic. 1171, 209-214
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1171.27
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1171.27
chromosome morphology, fluorescence in situ hybridization, karyotype, Lilium, repetitive sequence, ribosomal DNA