The breeding of 13 new Asiatic lily cultivars for cut flowers

Y.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, C.K. Li, Y.M. Lu
Lilium Asiatic hybrids are excellent cut flowers because of their variety of flower types and colors. We have chosen bulblets in vitro from four crossings (Lilium Asiatic 'Gironde'O × 'Renoir', Lilium Asiatic 'Navona' × 'Detroit', Lilium Asiatic 'Gironde' × 'Tresor', and Lilium Asiatic 'Detroit' × 'Tresor') made from five cultivars (Lilium Asiatic 'Gironde' (G), Lilium Asiatic 'Renoir' (R), Lilium Asiatic 'Navona' (N), Lilium Asiatic 'Detroit' (D), Lilium Asiatic 'Tresor' (T)), and then planted these bulblets using a rapid and efficient method including soil improvement, effective fertilization, and techniques of pest control in an open field. A total of nearly 80 adult plants were obtained after open-field cultivation in the second year. These adult plants mostly exhibited their parents' comprehensive flowering traits, and most of plants had normal floral organ development. Ultimately, 13 new cultivars of Lilium Asiatic hybrids with good ornamental characters were screened and gained international registration of cultivars. Some new cultivars such as 'Hepingzhiguang' and 'Jiehun Qingdian' had no pollen, but they have a quietly elegant color and pretty type.
Zhang, Y.Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, Q., Li, C.K. and Lu, Y.M. (2017). The breeding of 13 new Asiatic lily cultivars for cut flowers. Acta Hortic. 1171, 293-300
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1171.38
Asiatic lily, cross breeding, cultivation, selection of new cultivars

Acta Horticulturae