Effects of different plant spacing and fertilizer rates on growth and rhizome yields of Curcuma alismatifolia

S. Ruamrungsri, C. Inkham
In an attempt to increase Curcuma rhizome yields, effects of difference plant spacing and fertilizer rates on growth and rhizome yields of Curcuma were investigated. The experiment was conducted by planting Curcuma alismatifolia 'Chiang Mai Pink' with two different plant spacing (30×30 and 15×15 cm) and three levels of fertilizer rates, i.e., 0, 10 and 20 g m-2 month-1 (supplied with 15-15-15 (N-P-K) for 3 months). At 5 months after planting, the results showed that plant spacing at 15×15 cm resulted in greater plant height than 30×30 cm, while more leaves per plant were observed in the 30×30 cm treatment. The number of new rhizomes per cluster was affected by plant spacing, while there were no differences among fertilizer rates. In addition, flower qualities at flowering stage and rhizome yields at harvest stage are discussed in this study.
Ruamrungsri, S. and Inkham, C. (2017). Effects of different plant spacing and fertilizer rates on growth and rhizome yields of Curcuma alismatifolia. Acta Hortic. 1171, 53-58
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1171.8
Curcuma alismatifolia, fertilizer rate, growth, plant spacing, yield

Acta Horticulturae