Determination of blueberry acreage and soil type in North Carolina using web-based resources

W.O. Cline, B.K. Bloodworth
An accurate estimate of commercial blueberry acreage and blueberry farm soil type in North Carolina was achieved through the use of web-based tools that overlay existing soil maps onto user-defined areas of interest. Blueberry sites known to the authors were mapped first, then other, previously unknown blueberry sites were discovered and mapped, using publicly-available imagery. A total of 102 fields, farm units or contiguous blocks were mapped in the Fall of 2015. Unplanted areas within farm boundaries (roads, ditches, headlands) averaged 17.2% of the total mapped acres; these areas were excluded from the planted acreage estimate of 9,756 acres (3,949 ha) in southeastern NC. Predominant soils (those representing 500 acres or more of the total) were Leon fine sand (40%), Lynn Haven fine sand (19%), Murville fine sand and Murville muck (7%), and other muck soils (12%). Acres (or ha) recorded by county included Bladen 5,859 (2,371), Pender 2,092 (847), Sampson 1,012 (410), Duplin 501 (203), Columbus 165 (67) and Craven 127 (51).
Cline, W.O. and Bloodworth, B.K. (2017). Determination of blueberry acreage and soil type in North Carolina using web-based resources. Acta Hortic. 1180, 401-404
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1180.55
crop, estimation, satellite, imagery, fruit, mapping, site selection

Acta Horticulturae