New proposal for handling of saffron flowering (Crocus sativus L.) under environmentally controlled conditions

L.M. Poggi, J.A. Portela, M.A. Pontín, N. Moratalla-López, G.L. Alonso
Hysteranthy of saffron would allow the flowering of corms in cultivation chambers without any substrate. In order to check the impact of this practice on the yield and quality of this spice, the production of a local population of corms under controlled environment (17°C) was studied. For this purpose, the mass of the corms was considered: 1) 8.0-12.0 g and 2) 12.1-20.0 g, and whether the previous flowering occurred in chamber or in field conditions. The experimental design was randomized, with factorial treatment structures and 4 replicates. Half of the corms were arranged in pots with moist substrate (A, peat and coir), while the other half was placed in cardboard containers without substrate (B). At harvest, performance variables (PV): number of flowers and mass of the threads were measured. Besides, the quality was determined according to ISO 3632. There were no differences between the two treatments in chamber for any of the PV, while regarding the mass of the corm and the conditions of the previous flowering: the heavier corms and those that bloomed in field last year, showed the highest yield. Concerning quality, it was significantly higher in treatment B. Applications to improve flowering handling are discussed.
Poggi, L.M., Portela, J.A., Pontín, M.A., Moratalla-López, N. and Alonso, G.L. (2017). New proposal for handling of saffron flowering (Crocus sativus L.) under environmentally controlled conditions. Acta Hortic. 1184, 245-252
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1184.34
geophyte, agamic propagation, cultivation chamber, hysteranthy, corm mass

Acta Horticulturae