Resilience to climate change of saffron production in the Khorasan province of Iran

H. Bidad
This study seeks to understand whether traditional or modern techniques are best for facilitating the resilience of saffron production in the face of climate change in the Khorasan province of Iran. Research on saffron production in the region to date presents a dichotomy; some researchers recommend the incorporation of modern technologies in existing practices while others argue for the exclusive use of traditional farming methods. Through interviews and secondary research, this study assessed observed climatic changes and the impact of these climatic changes, and how farmers have adapted and mitigated these impacts. Then, potential technological solutions and farmers' perspectives towards technology are analyzed to compare and contrast traditional and technological solutions. The study shows a combination of traditional and technological methods to adapt to climate change which is considered by farmers to be optimal.
Bidad, H. (2017). Resilience to climate change of saffron production in the Khorasan province of Iran. Acta Hortic. 1184, 253-258
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1184.35
technology, traditional agriculture, heritage agricultural system, adaptation

Acta Horticulturae