Comparison of mid-winter cold-hardiness by electrolyte leakage in shoots of 15 grape cultivars

S.J. Kim, J.C. Nam, S.M. Jung, Y.Y. Hur, H.I. Kim, J.G. Park
The cold-hardiness of 15 grapevine cultivars was compared in mid-winter (January 2016). The level of cold-hardiness was determined by measuring electrolyte leakage at various freezing temperatures and was expressed as LT50, the temperature at which the incidence of injury reached 50%, and as Tmax, the temperature at which the rate of injury was maximal. The LT50 and Tmax values for the 15 grape cultivars ranged from -21.9±0.08°C to -38.3±0.13°C and from -12.1±0.05°C to -28.2±0.12°C, respectively. Tmax values were significantly positively correlated with LT50 values (r=0.90*, P≤0.01). On the basis of their levels of cold-hardiness in terms of LT50 values, the 15 grape cultivars were ranked in the following order: 'Saemaru' › 'Tano Red' › 'Jinok' › 'Shiny Star' › 'Campbell Early' › 'Italia' › 'Hongsodam' › 'Suok' › 'Heukgoosul' › 'Himrod' › 'Heukboseok' › 'Shine Muscat' › 'Kyoho' › 'Hongju Seedless' › 'Perlon'. Similarly, on the basis of their levels of cold-hardiness in terms of Tmax values, the 15 grape cultivars were ranked in the following order: 'Shiny Star' › 'Campbell Early' › 'Hongsodam' › 'Italia' › 'Heukgoosul' › 'Suok' › 'Saemaru' › 'Himrod' › 'Heukboseok' › 'Jinok' › 'Kyoho' › 'Shine Muscat' › 'Tano Red' › 'Hongju Seedless' › 'Perlon'. These results will be useful as practical information for breeding and cultivation of grapevines in Korea.
Kim, S.J., Nam, J.C., Jung, S.M., Hur, Y.Y., Kim, H.I. and Park, J.G. (2017). Comparison of mid-winter cold-hardiness by electrolyte leakage in shoots of 15 grape cultivars. Acta Hortic. 1188, 399-404
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1188.54
cultivation, freezing temperature, injury, LT50, Tmax

Acta Horticulturae