Study on an AAGV suitable for the operation of the narrow site

Dongxing Li, Yunlong Bu, Zengchan Zhou, Dong Zhang, Xiaowen Zhang, Jieqiang Zhuo
An agricultural automatic guided vehicle (AAGV) was developed suitable for narrow site operation because in existing modern greenhouse situations the operating channel is narrow, with high labor intensity and poor efficiency of manual handling of agricultural materials. We focused on the development of the navigation system, walking system, automatic control system, etc. Compared with the traditional manual delivery methods, AAGV provides intelligent automation improving the level of modernization of agricultural equipment, and improving the operating efficiency of the facility.
Li, Dongxing, Bu, Yunlong, Zhou, Zengchan, Zhang, Dong, Zhang, Xiaowen and Zhuo, Jieqiang (2018). Study on an AAGV suitable for the operation of the narrow site. Acta Hortic. 1205, 825-830
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1205.104
agriculture, automated guided vehicle, research

Acta Horticulturae