Characterization of dietary attributes and mineral composition of the fruit in Brazilian genotypes of feijoa
Fruit of four advanced selections of feijoa were harvested at commercial maturity in southern Brazil and assessed for dietary attributes (dry weight, ash, and crude contents of protein, fat and fiber) and mineral content (Ca, Mg, N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) in the peel (epidermis and parenchymatous region) and pulp (inner region) tissues.
There were differences between genotypes for dietary attributes and mineral contents in both tissues (peel and pulp). In all genotypes, peel had the highest values of dry weight, ash and fiber, while the pulp had the highest content of protein, without a substantial difference of fat content between these two tissues.
On average of all genotypes, pulp had dry weight of 14.0%, ash content of 0.37%, protein content of 1.12%, fat content of 0.79%, and fiber content of 1.73%. Peel had dry weight of 15.49%, ash content of 0.86%, protein content of 0.80%, fat content of 0.74%, and fiber content of 3.30%. On average of all genotypes, the contents of Ca and K were higher in the peel than in the pulp; the contents of N, Mg, P, Zn, Mn and Cu were higher in the pulp than in the peel; and the content of Fe was not significantly different between peel and pulp tissues.
The results show that feijoa fruit represent a valuable dietary source of protein, fat and fiber, and have high mineral content, especially in the pulp of P and N (303.08 and 2,697.64 mg kg-1 FW, respectively), and in peel and pulp tissues of K (2,919.10 mg kg-1 FW in the peel and 2,005.28 mg kg-1 FW in the pulp), Ca (106.39 mg kg-1 FW in the peel and 82.58 mg kg-1 FW in the pulp) and Fe (3.64 mg kg-1 FW in the peel and 3.72 mg kg-1 FW in the pulp).
do Amarante, C.V.T., Souza, A.G., Beninca, T.D.T. and Steffens, C.A. (2018). Characterization of dietary attributes and mineral composition of the fruit in Brazilian genotypes of feijoa. Acta Hortic. 1205, 947-954
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1205.122
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1205.122
Acca sellowiana, pulp, peel, fiber, fat, nutrient, protein
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