Effects of packaging on shelf-life and quality of minimally processed fennel

A. Miceli, A. Moncada, F. D’anna
Fennel is not a widespread product among minimally processed vegetables, due to the fast deterioration mainly caused by browning of the cut surfaces, even during cold storage. In order to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut fennel, the influence of different packaging techniques was studied. Sliced fennel, dipped in a citric acid solution (0.5%), was placed in polystyrene trays, sealed with PE film or vacuum packaged in PE bags and stored up to 14 days at 4°C. During this period the weight loss, soluble solid content, pH, color and firmness were evaluated. Minimally processed fennel packed in sealed trays and cold-stored at 4°C, extended its shelf-life to 14 days maintaining acceptable quality. Fennel stored in vacuum packaging showed a lower weight loss but had severe alterations of flavour that led to loss of marketability after only 7 days.
Miceli, A., Moncada, A. and D’anna, F. (2018). Effects of packaging on shelf-life and quality of minimally processed fennel. Acta Hortic. 1209, 325-328
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1209.47
fresh-cut, Foeniculum vulgare, vacuum storage, cold storage, browning

Acta Horticulturae