Mixing and dipping fresh-cut 'Gala Brookfield' and 'Granny Smith' apples

G. Pignata, G. Tibaldi, W. Gaino, S. Nicola
The share of fresh-cut fruit is continuously increasing in the fresh-cut sector, and apples are part of the offer. As far as fresh-cut vegetables are concerned, the need to study mixes of different coloured species is growing in order to satisfy consumer's needs. Dipping is the most common way of controlling the browning and softening phenomena of fruit. The present research has therefore been aimed at studying the effect of dipping treatments and cultivar mixing on the shelf-life and quality of fresh-cut apples. Unpeeled 'Gala Brookfield' and 'Granny Smith' apples were cut into slices and washed with deionized water (control) or dipped into ascorbic acid at 0.25% (w/w). Aliquots of 160 g (two-servings) of 'Gala Brookfield' mixed with 'Granny Smith' apples (100:0; 50:50; 0:100) were packaged in film with a permeance to O2 of 1990 cm3 m-2 d-1 bar-1 and stored at 4°C without light for 8 days. The gas composition (O2; CO2), antioxidant power (AP), total phenolic content (TPC), vitamin C (Vit. C) and sugar contents were considered on d0 and during the shelf-life (1 and 8 days after packaging), while the fresh weight loss was recorded daily. The O2 and CO2 in the headspace of the bags were both affected by the dipping treatments and apple cultivars during the shelf-life. On d1, the O2 level was lower in the bags with dipped slices than in the bags with the control slices; the O2 level reached ca. 8% in both treatments on d8. CO2 was not affected by the dipping treatments. O2 decreased more in the bags containing 'Granny Smith', whether on their own or mixed, than in the bags containing 'Gala Brookfield' from d1 to d8, while CO2 showed the opposite trend. The fresh weight loss did not change as a result of apple mixing and dipping, and it increased during the shelf-life to 0.09% on d8. Dipping did not affect the AP, TPC or vitamin C during the shelf-life, while cultivar mixing affected them on d8: the AP and TPC were higher in 'Granny Smith', on its own or mixed; Vit. C was higher in 'Granny Smith' on its own. In general, the glucose, fructose and sucrose values were not affected by the treatments and did not decrease during the shelf-life up to d8, when they still revealed good organoleptic properties.
Pignata, G., Tibaldi, G., Gaino, W. and Nicola, S. (2018). Mixing and dipping fresh-cut 'Gala Brookfield' and 'Granny Smith' apples. Acta Hortic. 1209, 409-416
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1209.60
Malus domestica, Borkh., minimally processed food, dipping treatment, phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, vitamin C

Acta Horticulturae