J.M. Zatykó, F. Kiss, I. Simon, F. Szalay
Fertilized ovules were dissected from the 3–4- week old, 7–9 mm diameter berries of red currant cultivars Fertöd 56, Jonkheer van Tets, Red Lake and Rondom, the 4–5-week old, 7–9 mm diameter berries of black currant cultivars Altayskaya Desertnaya, Brödtorp, Fertödi 1, Golubka and Pobyeda, the 4–5-week- old, 13–20 mm diameter berries of gooseberry cultivar Jolly Angler and its selected clone 'Pallagi Oriás' the the 4–5-week old, 7–10 mm diameter berries of the interspecific hybrid Ribes culverwelli Macfarl. The ovules were cultured on Miller's (1967) and Murashige-Skoog's (1962) medium.

Within two months, with the exception of the black currant cultivar Fertöd 1, all the cultivars listed developed polyembryony in some of their fertilized ovules. From this point of view Miller's medium proved more efficient than that of Murashige-Skoog (table 1).

After transfer to a medium free from auxins and cytokinins but containing gibberellic acid, several embryoids developed directly into plantlets while others proliferated further and formed embryonic masses. Red currant cultivars Red Lake, Jonkheer van Tets, Fertödi 56, the black currant cultivar Altayskaya Desertnaya and the gooseberries were proliferating most intensively (table 2).

The plants obtained from embryoids seem identical with the mother plant, but further evidence is needed for determining the type of polyembryony.

Zatykó, J.M., Kiss, F., Simon, I. and Szalay, F. (1981). POLYEMBRYONY OF CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRY INDUCED IN VITRO. Acta Hortic. 120, 211-216
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1981.120.28

Acta Horticulturae