What happens in a full-scale kiwifruit curing stack?
Curing of kiwifruit occurs immediately after harvest, where the fruit are placed in picking bins in a shaded region for a few days.
This procedure was originally developed in order to reduce subsequent Botrytis rots in storage, but now is also used as a logistical tool to enable accumulation of fruit at the packhouse in front of the grading system.
Rates of cooling to storage temperature have been identified as influencing long-term storage outcomes (firmness and low-temperature breakdown development) for kiwifruit.
Consequently, given that curing is the process immediately prior to packing and cooling, questions now exist about how curing is influencing long-term storage outcomes.
In order to be able to simulate and understand the curing process, more knowledge on what occurs within a commercial-scale curing stack is required.
In this work, temperature, humidity and weight loss of more than 200 full-scale commercial bins of fruit from a block of orchard were monitored from harvest to packing over a three-day period.
The resulting data provide an example of the potential for positional and temporal variability that is created during the curing process, within a typical batch of kiwifruit destined for long-term storage.
East, A.R., Doleh, L., Jeffery, P.B., Tapia, N., Gwanpua, S.G. and Woolf, A.F. (2018). What happens in a full-scale kiwifruit curing stack?. Acta Hortic. 1218, 525-532
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1218.72
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1218.72
Actinidia, temperature, humidity, weight loss