Cut flower production potentials in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

O.M. Adedokun, O.L. Adesina
The potential of cut flowers is underexploited in Nigeria. A survey was conducted in Port Harcourt south Nigeria to investigate the status of public awareness on cut flower production and its potentials. There were 122 respondents including 26 growers/sellers and 96 being consumers/buyers. Most growers (58.2%) were 26-45 years old, while many 34.7% buyers were 36-45 years old. Five top cut flowers in demand were Heliconia aurantiaca, Alpinia purpurata, Etlingera elatior, Celosia argentea and Strelitzia reginae. Top five attractions to cut flowers are aesthetics, colour, scent, size and bloom. The major constraints to the industry are land, fund and lack of public awareness. Of the 96 respondents, 73% were aware of cut flower production while 27% were not conversant with cut flowers. On monthly basis, 24% spent less than N 2000 (5.0 USD) on cut flowers while 46% did not purchase cut flowers at all. The survey showed 15.6% spent between N 2500-5000 (7.0-14.0 USD), 6.3% spent between N 5500 and 10000 (15.0-27.3 USD) while 7.3% spent over N 10,000 (27.3.0 USD). Only 26% purchased cut flowers all-year-round while 42.7% never bought at all. However, 64.6% were willing to purchase cut flowers if made available while 35.4% were not interested at all. Production of cut flower is a viable small to medium scale (SME) enterprise which could redress unemployment in Port Harcourt and environs.
Adedokun, O.M. and Adesina, O.L. (2018). Cut flower production potentials in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Acta Hortic. 1225, 315-320
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.44
floral arrangement, foliage plant, aesthetics, horticulture industry, SME

Acta Horticulturae