Gender issues and horticulture for improved livelihoods

J.E. Olawoye
Horticulture holds great potential for increasing household income, nutrition and health status as well as increase earnings from export, yet this sector is largely under-developed in Africa. High levels of postharvest losses reduce the potential for improving livelihoods. A wide diversity of vegetables and fruits are found in sub-Saharan Africa with both males and females involved in producing, processing, marketing and utilization of different types of products. To make any meaningful improvement in the horticulture sector and target those who need to use improved strategies and inputs, it is necessary to understand gender roles along the horticulture value chains. Gender is a cross-cutting issue, relevant to any aspect of development, to any sector of the economy and to any area of agriculture. Gender roles at the household and community levels and the ability of both males and females to meet their responsibilities are also crucially important for meeting household needs.
Olawoye, J.E. (2018). Gender issues and horticulture for improved livelihoods. Acta Hortic. 1225, 65-74
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.7
gender roles, extension

Acta Horticulturae