Intercropping studies in grain amaranth

B.S. Lingappa, N Murthy, M.A. Shankar
In grain amaranth grown as sole crop, the B:C ratio was higher (3.15) as compared to all other treatments involving sole crops or intercrops. Considering the market nature for grain amaranth, it may not be ideal to grow grain amaranth as a sole crop. The main objective was to introduce and popularize grain amaranth cultivation through other crops as a intercrop. Among the intercrop treatments, growing of grain amaranth + pigeon pea (2:1 ratio) recorded B:C ratio of 2.75 with LER (1.17) followed by grain amaranth + finger millet (2:8) B:C ratio of 2.60 with LER 1.19 and grain amaranth + groundnut B:C ratio (2.44)with LER of 1.22.
Lingappa, B.S., Murthy, N and Shankar, M.A. (2019). Intercropping studies in grain amaranth. Acta Hortic. 1241, 335-338
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1241.47
intercrop, grain amaranth, pigeon pea, groundnut, finger millet, seed yield

Acta Horticulturae