Optimizing boron and zinc requirement of root vegetables grown under acidic soil conditions

D. Muthumanickam, D. Janaki
Field experiments were conducted to develop suitable micronutrient recommendations (B and Zn) for mitigating the deficiencies and assess the impact of micronutrient application on the nutrient uptake and yield of root vegetables in acid soils. The soil application of 1 B + 5 kg Zn recorded the highest fresh tuber yield of carrot (60.8 t ha-1) while the application of 1.5 B + 7.5 kg Zn ha-1 registered the highest fresh yield of 15.16 and 19.45 t ha-1 in radish and beet root, respectively. Maximum Zn and uptake was in the treatment 1 B + 5 kg Zn for carrot and 1.5 B + 7.5 kg Zn for radish and beet root crops.
Muthumanickam, D. and Janaki, D. (2019). Optimizing boron and zinc requirement of root vegetables grown under acidic soil conditions. Acta Hortic. 1241, 395-400
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1241.57
micronutrients, zinc and boron, root vegetables

Acta Horticulturae