Reproductive biology of oilseed tree Simarouba glauca DC

V.A. Waghmode, N.S. Kute, Y.G. Ban
The present investigation entitled “Reproductive Biology of Simarouba glauca” was undertaken to know the floral biology of simarouba and determine pollen viability, stigma receptivity and berry setting percentage with different treatments. Reproductive biology provides information about rates of flowering period, pollination behaviour, floral structures and their arrangements, hybridization. Knowledge of reproductive biology is a prerequisite for attempting any breeding programme. Studies on reproductive biology in Simarouba glauca revealed that flowering period starts from December to January and flower development continued up to March. It is a dioecious plant with male and female flowers on different plants. Average length of male and female inflorescence were 25.62 and 20.15 cm, respectively. Average number of flowers on single inflorescence was 181.46 in case of male plants and 90.53 in case of female plants. Androecium has ten separate stamens with average length of 4.4 mm, ovary was five locular superior, five carpels united in one pistil and each pistil contains five locules each locule posseses one ovule. Stigma becomes more receptive on the same day of flower opening and receptivity continued for further two days. Pollen grains remain viable up to 6 h after anthesis. Maximum pollen viability was 97.56% at 9.00 am. The berry setting was maximum (84.28%) when stigmas were pollinated with mix pollens showing cross compatability of simarouba. For complete berry development and seed maturity 55 to 60 days and 70 to 80 days were required, respectively.
Waghmode, V.A., Kute, N.S. and Ban, Y.G. (2019). Reproductive biology of oilseed tree Simarouba glauca DC. Acta Hortic. 1241, 459-464
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1241.67
paradise tree, floral biology, stigma receptivity, pollen viability, seed ontogonology

Acta Horticulturae