Development of value added foods from underutilized deseeded moringa pods

C. Indu Rani, V. Thirupathi, T. Arumuganathan, R. Sasireka
A study was undertaken to utilize moringa pods effectively by developing value added products such as deseeded moringa pod based cookies and soup mix. The deseeded moringa pod was pulverized using a burr mill and hammer mill. The average powder size, bulk density and porosity of the deseeded moringa pod particle were determined as 0.92 mm, 73.6 kg m-3 and 0.34%, respectively. The proximate analysis of deseeded moringa pod powder showed the presence of high value of dietary fibre which can be utilized in incorporation of cookies. Deseeded moringa powder was fortified to the level of 5, 10 and 15% for the preparation of cookies and soup mix. The textural profile characteristics like hardness and fracturability, which are the main criterions for assessing overall quality of cookies, were also studied. The addition of deseeded moringa pod powder to cookie significantly increased the hardness. Sensory evaluation of deseeded moringa pod powder incorporated cookie and soup mix showed that both products were found to be acceptable. The level of incorporation of deseeded moringa pod was optimized as 10% based on the overall acceptability.
Indu Rani, C., Thirupathi, V., Arumuganathan, T. and Sasireka, R. (2019). Development of value added foods from underutilized deseeded moringa pods. Acta Hortic. 1241, 555-562
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1241.82
moringa pods, fortification, cookies, soup, sensory evaluation

Acta Horticulturae