Research on freezing behaviour of 'Augusta' and 'Simultan' blueberry fruits grown in Romania

M. Vintilă, D. Veringă, M. Bogoescu, C. Sorică
Preserving fruits and vegetables by freezing is one of the most important methods of keeping their quality, for a long period of time. In this research, various ways of the freezing behaviour of ‘Augusta’ and ‘Simultan’ blueberry cultivars were examined. Freezing systems used were a classical freezer, cooler, fast freezing tunnel and an experimental model (equipment) for fast freezing in a nitrogen atmosphere designed by INMA. Experiments were focused on sensory quality, and nutritional value of frozen fruits and changes in texture, taste and biochemical components namely vitamin C. In the same time a number of factors such as freezing time and rate, which have direct influence on the final quality of the frozen product have been followed and determined. The results confirmed that blueberry fruit lends itself to preservation by freezing and that a quick-freezing process is recommended. ‘Simultan’ presented better features compared to ‘Augusta’. The presented results allow establishing the freezing methods easy to use in Romania rural areas, within family farms whose technical equipment is deficient.
Vintilă, M., Veringă, D., Bogoescu, M. and Sorică, C. (2019). Research on freezing behaviour of 'Augusta' and 'Simultan' blueberry fruits grown in Romania. Acta Hortic. 1242, 779-784
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1242.116
cooler, freezing rate, fast freezing, nitrogen

Acta Horticulturae