Phonological and pomological characteristics of some important apricot cultivars grown in Turkey

M.A. Saridaş, S. Paydaş Kargı, E. Kafkas
The study was conducted to contribute to the phenological, pomological characteristics and fruit quality specification of 28 apricot genotypes grown under similar practices in Adana province belonging to the Mediterranean region. In the present study authors wanted to determine the differences of local and foreign apricot genotypes based on their yield and fruit quality. Flowering was observed in February and March, and fruits were harvested in May and June. Generally, maturation duration ranged from 62 ('Aurora') to 95 ('Fracasso') days. Authors could not suggest a suitable genotype for Adana conditions at the all aspects among the investigated genotypes. However, the best cultivar is 'Harcot' in terms of fruit quality and size aspect. While the genotype of 7X89 which was taken from the local genotypes group was noticed the best in terms of yield, fruit weight and, TSS content. Among the foreign cultivars, 'Precoce de Tyrinthe' was pointed out for the aspects of earliness and fruit weight.
Saridaş, M.A., Paydaş Kargı, S. and Kafkas, E. (2019). Phonological and pomological characteristics of some important apricot cultivars grown in Turkey. Acta Hortic. 1242, 553-560
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1242.81
adaptation, apricot, phenology, quality

Acta Horticulturae