Mutation changes in flower colour and plant characteristics of Dendrobium by gamma irradiation

P. Taywiya, A. Sawwa, T. Thiengnoi, S. Yooyongwech
Dendrobium is a popular orchid in commercial markets of Thailand. Release of new improved orchid cultivars remains a challenge in a competitive market. Various mutants of Dendrobium Sonia 'Earsakul' were generated by gamma irradiation. Orchid pseudobulbs (from 20 plants) were acutely (Cs-137) exposed to 0 to 200 Gray (Gy). The LD50 was detected at 50.8 Gy. White area of the flower centers and petals increased 1.83-fold especially after the 30 Gy treatment in the Mutation1 Vegetation1 (M1V1) plants. An ISSR marker with UBC844 primer clearly showed a different DNA profile during 400-600 bp, comparing with the control (0 Gy). Height of new pseudobulbs of the M1V1 plants exposed to 10, 20, and 30 Gy was around 20, 30, 40% less than control after 210 days, respectively. Dendrobium pseudobulbs of M1V1 plants treated with 30 Gy generated compact plants and enhanced white area in the flower.
Taywiya, P., Sawwa, A., Thiengnoi, T. and Yooyongwech, S. (2019). Mutation changes in flower colour and plant characteristics of Dendrobium by gamma irradiation. Acta Hortic. 1245, 65-72
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1245.10
ISSR marker, colour pattern, pseudobulb height

Acta Horticulturae