Agricultural waste management in Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia
If Canada is one of the greater OECD waste producer per capita, the figures vary in an extended manner following the rules applicable, as the federal constitution make waste a local competence.
In the agricultural market, following the initiative of pesticide industry a voluntary collecting scheme in 1989, CleanFarms was launched in 2009 and drives 5 programs: pesticide and fertilizer containers, bulk pesticide container, seed and pesticide bags, obsolete pesticide and animal health medication containers and grain bags.
This program was a pioneer at that time, which shows the eco-responsibility of the farmers and their suppliers.
Similar programs exist also in USA, Australia and New-Zealand, with collection streams and rate that vary a lot, due to the size of the countries and the markets structure.
The future of the collections scheme and their collection rate will depend on the incentive to recycle, as many consumers react according to the options they face.
The more they are incited to collect and recycle, the more they do it.
Friesen, B. (2019). Agricultural waste management in Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia. Acta Hortic. 1252, 93-96
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1252.12
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1252.12
AUF, used films, Canada, collection practices, eco-responsibility, collection rate, waste management, agricultural waste