Effect of greenhouse films on climate, energy, light distribution and crop performance - measuring film properties and modelling results

S. Hemming, E.J. Baeza-Romero
Greenhouse growers would like to choose an optimum plastic film for their greenhouse production. In parallel, greenhouse supply industry is looking for quantitative information on their product performance. All are looking for answers on the following questions: which film do I need to create an optimum greenhouse climate? Which one do I need to choose for low energy consumption, or for low summer temperatures? What will be my crop yield under the different films? Is an expensive but long-lasting film economic feasible (for my crop, my climate, etc.)? Models can help to find answers to these and other questions and are faster and often cheaper than agronomic trials.
Hemming, S. and Baeza-Romero, E.J. (2019). Effect of greenhouse films on climate, energy, light distribution and crop performance - measuring film properties and modelling results. Acta Hortic. 1252, 173-182
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1252.23
greenhouse climate model, KASPRO, crop model, INTKAM, hemispherical light transmission, Hortiscatter

Acta Horticulturae