The effects of pre-planting bulb storage temperatures on flower development of pot-grown narcissus

M.E. Özzambak, E. Zeybekoğlu, Ş. Alp, A. Salman
While cut narcissus is a popular ornamental crop in Turkey, there is almost no production of pot-grown narcissus. In this study the aim was to determine suitable cultivars for pot cultivation and investigate the effects of pre-cooling treatments on growth and flowering. Bulbs (grade 13-14cm circumference) of eight cultivars were grown in pots. Before planting, three pre-planting bulb storage treatments were applied: 1) 17-20°C for 9 weeks followed by 9°C for 6 weeks; 2) ambient (fluctuating) temperatures for 9 weeks followed by 9°C for 6 weeks; 3) ambient (fluctuating) temperatures for 15 weeks (control). The treated plants were then grown under greenhouse conditions. Flower stem length, flower length, leaf length, first flowering time and flowering period were affected by the treatments. Treatment 1 gave the most favourable results: flowering was 7,6 days earlier than in the control and quality was better. Five cultivars - 'Dutch Master', 'Strong Gold', 'Ice Follies', 'Golden Harvest' and 'Professor Einstein' - were determined as suitable cultivars for pot plant production.
Özzambak, M.E., Zeybekoğlu, E., Alp, Ş. and Salman, A. (2019). The effects of pre-planting bulb storage temperatures on flower development of pot-grown narcissus. Acta Hortic. 1263, 175-182
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1263.22
bulb storage, cultivar, daffodil, pot plant, temperature

Acta Horticulturae