Planting time and bulb size affect the quantitative properties of Narcissus tazetta

Ö. Sari, F.G. Çelikel
The effects of planting time and bulb size on the plant growth and development characteristics of Narcissus tazetta ('Paperwhite', 'Bunch-Flowered Narcissus') flowers were investigated as one of the first studies on quantitative analysis of bulbous flowers. Narcissus tazetta bulbs, which were removed from their native habitat in August, were divided into three sizes (12.1 to 14, 10.1 to 12 and 8.1 to 10 cm) according to the circumference and planted at 3 different times (September, October and November). After harvest, stem weight ratio, leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, leaf thickness were determined as quantitative measurements. Leaf area was measured by planimeter. Dry weights of plant samples were determined and plant growth parameters were calculated according to the models adapted to the bulbous plants. Results on growth parameters showed planting time significantly affected the leaf thickness, leaf weight ratio and stem weight ratio. The differences among the bulb sizes were not statistically significant on quantitative measurements. Planting time and bulb size did not affect the leaf area ratio and specific leaf area. The results showed that plant growth parameters can be used in modeling studies on cut flower production of bulbous flowers.
Sari, Ö. and Çelikel, F.G. (2019). Planting time and bulb size affect the quantitative properties of Narcissus tazetta. Acta Hortic. 1263, 183-190
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1263.23
Narcissus tazetta, quantitative analyses, bulb size, planting time

Acta Horticulturae