Flower senescence in composite flowers, can understanding how dahlia florets senesce help to increase dahlia vase life?

M. Casey, K.E. Tansey, R. Andrews, A. Marchbank, H.J. Rogers, A.D. Stead
The dahlia is popular as an ornamental garden plant in the UK, however, its value as a cut flower has been undermined by its short vase life. The vase life of dahlias is often no more than 5 days, whereas 10-14 days are required by the cut flower industry due to the supply chain involved in transporting cut flowers from growers to retailers, sufficient time in store, and still guaranteeing 5 days vase life to a consumer. The current study has considered ethylene sensitivity and how phytohormones interact with one another during the senescence process. In conjunction with these traditional methods, RNA sequencing and de novo assembly of the dahlia transcriptome in the cultivar 'Sylvia' has been carried out, resulting in an assembly of over 20,000 genes, many of which change in expression during floret senescence.
Casey, M., Tansey, K.E., Andrews, R., Marchbank, A., Rogers, H.J. and Stead, A.D. (2019). Flower senescence in composite flowers, can understanding how dahlia florets senesce help to increase dahlia vase life?. Acta Hortic. 1263, 383-390
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1263.50
flower senescence, ethylene, cytokinins, transcriptome

Acta Horticulturae