Recent achievements in the application of soil solarization against soilborne pathogens in outdoor and covered organic or IPM vegetable crops in Greece

P.P. Antoniou, D. Gizi, S.E. Tjamos, E.C. Tjamos
Climatic conditions and land availability during summer allow vegetable growers to extensively apply soil solarization (SS) in several regions of Greece, particularly after the introduction of virtually impermeable films (VIF). Especially during the last decade, SS is drastically expanding and has not only verified its effectiveness in controlling serious soilborne pathogens of vegetables but in certain cases, it has helped growers establish two and even three consecutive crops within one cropping season. Furthermore, SS contributed to cost reduction compared with chemical soil disinfestation, had a significant impact on the export of high-quality products in several European countries, and finally supported the expansion of organic farming in the country. This paper is reporting how successful research could be translated into applicable and profitable agricultural business by controlling soilborne pathogens, and it is demonstrating modes of successful promotion of SS application by cooperating with the private sector and pioneer farmers around Greece.
Antoniou, P.P., Gizi, D., Tjamos, S.E. and Tjamos, E.C. (2020). Recent achievements in the application of soil solarization against soilborne pathogens in outdoor and covered organic or IPM vegetable crops in Greece. Acta Hortic. 1270, 147-152
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.16
soil solarization, impermeable plastics, soilborne pathogens, vegetables

Acta Horticulturae