Discrimination of two early and late ripening cherry cultivars, using chemical indices and gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
This research was conducted to study the alternation in physiological and biochemical characteristics of the two early and late ripening cherry cultivars, respectively Lambert and Takdaneh, at two physiological stages, ripe and unripe fruits, during storage.
Concern changes in cell wall polymer features of the two cultivars was the second objective.
Every 7 days and within a period of 21 days storage at 4°C and 85% humidity keeping conditions, different variables were measured.
In both cultivars, firmness and anthocyanin content decreased at 14 and 21 days after harvest.
In contrast, fruit stem carotenoids increased during storage period.
The rate of TSS showed an intensification trend during the first two weeks followed by a significant reduction for the remaining of the storage for the two cultivars.
Acidity for the two cultivars indicated a significant and similar reducing status by the 14th day after harvest, in comparison with control. Lambert and Takdaneh showed reduction for total sugar at 7 and 14 days after harvest.
The rate of fructose was more in Takdaneh in comparison with Takadaneh at day 7 of storage.
Further, the two cultivars revealed differences in: fruit weight and fruit stalk weight, fruit length, and width in ripened fruits.
More results indicated that, ripened and unripened, fruits of Lambert had more stone weight and antioxidant activity than Takdaneh. Ripened Takdaneh fruits owned the most fruit volume, total phenol compounds and anthocyanin content in comparison with Lambert. However, unripen fruits had more antioxidant activity.
The results of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) designated more molecular weight of carbohydrate polymer extracted using NSF solvent in both stages of unripened and ripened fruit of Takdaneh. It was deduced more sniffer of these polymer chain for Takdaneh in comparison with Lambert. Further results specified late cultivar probably had more expression of genes of carbohydrate polymer and possibly more dosage effects of the genes which are involved with cell structure and carbohydrate polymer synthesis at cell wall.
Safarzadeh, Z., Sharifani, M., Shakeri, A., Hemmati, K. and Dinary, M. (2020). Discrimination of two early and late ripening cherry cultivars, using chemical indices and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Acta Hortic. 1275, 69-74
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1275.10
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1275.10
cherry, cell wall, ripening, storage, GPC others