Factors affecting 'Armagh Bramley' apple storage post DPA (diphenylamine) withdrawal

S. Mac an tSaoir, S. Johnson, C. Humphries, J. Kearns
Following the withdrawal of diphenylamine (DPA), 'Irish Bramley' growers lost the facility to store the 'Bramley' for 12 months in controlled atmosphere stores. Manufacturers were grant aided to establish low oxygen stores resulting in a significant advantage over primary producers. Research into improving on farm crop management to reduce losses in storage was undertaken. Farmer perceptions of 'good' and 'poor' orchards under the same management were validated by differences in overall disease levels. Nectria ditissima was found to be the main disease. Acidified water treatments could not cope with the level of soil contamination on bins coming in from the orchard. Geoxe applied as a drench significantly reduced disease levels in storage, more so with wooden bins than plastic.
Mac an tSaoir, S., Johnson, S., Humphries, C. and Kearns, J. (2020). Factors affecting 'Armagh Bramley' apple storage post DPA (diphenylamine) withdrawal. Acta Hortic. 1275, 133-138
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1275.19
controlled atmosphere storage, orchard disease development

Acta Horticulturae