Internal fruit quality depends on the regulation of apple-tree vegetative growth

J. Viškelis, M. Liaudanskas, N. Uselis, D. Kviklys
The effect of tree growth control methods on the accumulation of bioactive compounds in apple fruit was investigated with apple cultivar 'Rubin' on rootstock P 60 at the Institute of Horticulture Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2015-2018. Tree growth was regulated by prohexadione-calcium, tree trunk incision by chain saw, root pruning and summer pruning. The accumulation of phenolic and triterpenic compounds was investigated. Trunk incision significantly reduced triterpene concentration to 10,853 mg g‑1 DW, while summer pruning had the opposite effect NDASH apples accumulated significantly higher content of triterpenes (13,727 mg g‑1 DW). Growth regulator Regalis™ did not have impact on triterpene concentration in apples. Summer pruning significantly increased phenolics in apples (1,905 mg g‑1 DW), whereas the use of Regalis™ showed a drastic decrease of phenols to 1,307 mg g‑1 DW.
Viškelis, J., Liaudanskas, M., Uselis, N. and Kviklys, D. (2020). Internal fruit quality depends on the regulation of apple-tree vegetative growth. Acta Hortic. 1281, 643-648
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1281.84
Malus × domestica, phenolics, triterpenes, trunk incision, Regalis

Acta Horticulturae