Breeding and preservation of genetic resources of carrots (Daucus sativus Röhl.)

R. Karkleliene, D. Juskeviciene, A. Radzevicius
Breeding of carrots in Lithuania involved the creating competitive hybrids by utilizing local genetic resources. Four hybrids of carrots distinguishing by rich biochemical content have been developed at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. They are included in the National Plant Variety List and in the EC Common Catalogue of Varieties of Vegetable Species. The effect of heterosis was used in carrot breeding. Lithuanian CMS lines of carrots were crossed with the constant lines and cultivars. The breeding of cultivars was focused on the productivity, quality traits, and resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. New carrot hybrids 'Svalia', 'Ieva', 'Rokita' and 'Jola' have good properties for storage and maintenance of biochemical components. More than 200 samples of carrots are preserved at collection of genetic recourses at the Institute and differ according their individual properties are used for breeding purposes. Evaluation of productivity, quality and morphobiological parameters of preserved cultivars and breeding lines will be presented.
Karkleliene, R., Juskeviciene, D. and Radzevicius, A. (2020). Breeding and preservation of genetic resources of carrots (Daucus sativus Röhl.). Acta Hortic. 1282, 201-206
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1282.31
breeding, carrot, heterosis, genetic resources

Acta Horticulturae