Hybridization breeding program for resistance to monilinia (Monilinia laxa) on apricot

N. Acarsoy Bilgin , A. Mısırlı, Y. Evrenosoğlu, L. Yolageldi, A. Erdogan
Turkey is the leading country in production and export of apricots in the world, besides, there are fluctuations in yield, depending on years. In this situation, many factors are effective, pests and diseases also play an important role. Monilinia, which is one of the fungal diseases that appeared especially in the years when climatic conditions suitable leads to serious product loss in apricot production areas. Due to the importance of human and environmental health, intensive breeding programs are carried out in order to obtain genotypes resistant to diseases and having favorable fruit characteristics. In this context, a long-term hybridization breeding project is carried out in order to gain resistance 'Hacıhaliloğlu' cultivar, which is one of the most important export products of our country and world famous, having superior drying properties but sensitive to monilinia. In this circumstance, genotypes obtained from different hybridization combinations between 'Hacıhaliloğlu' and resistant cultivars were tested artificial inoculation against disease and transferred to the land. The phonological observations, plant and fruit characteristics in the bearing genotypes were examined. As a result of the evaluations, promising genotypes have been determined and studies are going on.
Acarsoy Bilgin , N., Mısırlı, A., Evrenosoğlu, Y., Yolageldi, L. and Erdogan, A. (2020). Hybridization breeding program for resistance to monilinia (Monilinia laxa) on apricot. Acta Hortic. 1282, 221-228
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1282.34
apricot, monilinia, hybridization, inoculation, fruit characteristics

Acta Horticulturae