Adventitious roots induction of sour jujube diploid, tetraploid and octoploid
Sour jujube originated in China and is usually used as a rootstock of Chinese jujube.
It is necessary to explore sour jujube micropropagation for application of excellent sour jujube rootstocks.
Sour jujube ployploids have potential to be rootstocks and sour jujube cultivars with big fruits.
The objective of this study was to induce adventitious roots of sour jujube diploid, tetraploid and octoploid.
The conditions for the highest rooting rate were obviously different in sour jujube diploid, tetraploid and octoploid.
The rooting rate of sour jujube diploid reached 93.3% in medium 1/2MS supplemented with 0.5 mg L‑1 IBA after they were kept in medium 1/2MS supplemented with 15 mg L‑1 IBA for 1 d.
Sour jujube octoploid had the highest rooting rate of 56.67% when they were cultured with the former procedure for sour jujube diploid.
In contrast, the rooting rate of sour jujube tetraploid reached the highest value of 96.67% in medium 1/2MS supplemented with 0.5 mg L‑1 IBA after they were kept in medium 1/2MS supplemented with 15 mg L‑1 IBA for 2 d.
In addition, 20 g L‑1 was the best sucrose concentration for root induction of sour jujube tertaploid and octoploid.
The 5-15 d dark culture did not increase the rooting rate of sour jujube tetraploids, yet the rooting rate of sour jujube octoploid increased from 56.67 to 80.00% after 5-day dark culture.
Dai, L., Wang, R.R., Wang, J.R. and Liu, M.J. (2020). Adventitious roots induction of sour jujube diploid, tetraploid and octoploid. Acta Hortic. 1287, 269-274
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1287.34
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1287.34
sour jujube, adventitious roots, diploid, tetraploid, octoploid