Yield and quality evaluation of processing tomatoes cultivars obtained in Romania

B. Zamfir, D. Hoza, C. Vinatoru, C. Bratu, E. Barcanu-Tudor
This work is aimed to present the newly obtained cultivars that have been evaluated for six years. In the experiment the renowned Rio Grande tomato cultivar was used as control for yield evaluation. ‘Rio Grande’ and ‘Rio Fuego’ were used as controls in order to assess the fruit’s quality. Phenological and biometric measurements and also biochemical analyses of the fruit were carried out during the vegetation period and the results obtained showed that the new cultivars correspond to the undertaken objectives. In what concerns crops yield, all five cultivars surpassed the control yield. Of these, ‘Darsirius’ and ‘Mariuca’ have plum-shaped fruit, ‘Kristinica’ and ‘Florina 44 R’ have rounded fruit, ‘Florina 44 T’ has rounded slightly pointed blossom end fruit. Concerning the earliness, ‘Kristinica’ ranked the first place, its fruit reach physiological maturity at 90 days after planting, and the latest is ‘Mariuca’, whose fruits ripen at 130 days after planting.
Zamfir, B., Hoza, D., Vinatoru, C., Bratu, C. and Barcanu-Tudor, E. (2020). Yield and quality evaluation of processing tomatoes cultivars obtained in Romania. Acta Hortic. 1292, 37-44
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1292.5
acidity, sugar, heirloom, dry matter, breeding

Acta Horticulturae