Future-oriented integrated approach of aerodynamics and energy engineering for revolutionizing greenhouse design and control
Korean Agriculture is continuously facing several challenges such as integration of global economy, a dramatic decrease in population in some places leading to decrease in numbers of dedicated farmers, aging society, climate change and an increasing gap between rural and urban areas.
Such conditions are also affected by very small territory of the country where more than 70% of the area is mountain area and by the four distinct climatic seasons.
Though maintaining a certain level of food and grain self-sufficiency is not easy because of those reasons, protected cultivation can guarantee a stable high annual income, maintain rural society, revitalize the rural economy, and keep food self-sufficiency at a safe level.
Much effort has been exerted to improve productivity through protected cultivation, and remarkable progress has specially been made through breeding, nutrition, optimal environmental control, reduced maintenance loads, and so on.
In recent years, various ICT technologies have been actively developed and applied to the field of remote sensing, monitoring, crop-environment modeling, control, mechanization, automation, and education.
While the main goal of ICT in protected cultivation are big data, deep learning and artificial intelligence, this paper will present the overview of these ICT approaches for protected cultivation with examples of their applications.
Introduction of field experiments and computer simulations of aerodynamics and energy engineering on protected cultivation and how those approaches are applied and integrated with such ICT technologies will also be presented.
Lee, In-Bok (2020). Future-oriented integrated approach of aerodynamics and energy engineering for revolutionizing greenhouse design and control. Acta Hortic. 1296, 1-8
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.1
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.1
aerodynamics, energy, greenhouse, ICT