Evaluation of the spectral properties and the effect on photosynthetic efficiency of spectrum conversion films

H.I. Yoon, J.Y. Shin, J.K. Kwon, K.S. Park, J.E. Son
Spectrum conversion films are covering materials that convert less-active wavelengths in photosynthesis into more-active wavelengths. In contrast with conventional agricultural films, no standards exist for evaluating their performance. This study presents a quantitative evaluation criterion for conversion performance of the spectrum conversion films. The performance of the films converting green light (500-600 nm) to red light (600-700 nm) was tested. The spectral characteristics of the film were measured using a spectroradiometer and integrating sphere under a mixed light and solar simulator. The emission under solar radiation was estimated using a conversion quantum yield. Photosynthetic rates of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves under the film were measured using the solar simulator. New methods were proposed for quantifying spectral characteristics of spectrum conversion films under the light sources similar to the solar spectrum for photosynthetic evaluation. As a standard light source for evaluating optical properties and photosynthesis, solar simulator presents several advantages and provides the conditions for indoor testing with a spectrum similar to that of solar radiation without long-term cultivation under spectrum conversion films or a large-scale film test.
Yoon, H.I., Shin, J.Y., Kwon, J.K., Park, K.S. and Son, J.E. (2020). Evaluation of the spectral properties and the effect on photosynthetic efficiency of spectrum conversion films. Acta Hortic. 1296, 527-534
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.68
Capsicum annuum L., greenhouse covering material, light conversion film, photosynthetic efficiency, solar simulator, spectroradiometer

Acta Horticulturae