Design of fire-affected school grounds of special primary and secondary schools

A.T. Paraskevopoulou, K. Aggelakopoulos, E. Stathopoulou
The design proposal for the school grounds of a primary and secondary special school affected by fire is presented based on the post-fire perceptions of its users (pupils and teachers). The studied secondary school provides special vocational education and training workshops. Both special schools are located adjacent to each other in a peripheral mountainous area of Athens. The 2018 fire that engulfed the region caused damages to the schools. Perceptions on the school ground design of both teachers and pupils from both schools were determined through a questionnaire survey. The school grounds additionally to break time are used for teaching, holding outdoor activities and sports events. Both primary and secondary school teachers state that appropriate school ground design can have a positive effect on pupils' school performance and that pupil contact with plants is necessary (93.3 and 100%, respectively). Most primary school pupils would like to have more trees in the school grounds and less ornamental herbaceous plants; this was the opposite for most secondary school pupils. Moreover, most primary school teachers and pupils would like to have a combined play structure (40.0%). On the other hand, most secondary school teachers and pupils would like to have a football field (42.9%), followed by a basketball court (35.7%). The results of the survey formed the basis of the design proposal. For the primary school, the main aim is to develop pleasant and safe recreational open spaces; whereas, for the secondary school spaces to support the educational pupil needs.
Paraskevopoulou, A.T., Aggelakopoulos, K. and Stathopoulou, E. (2020). Design of fire-affected school grounds of special primary and secondary schools. Acta Hortic. 1298, 91-96
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.14
inclusive, pupil, special needs, horticulture, education

Acta Horticulturae