In vitro morphogenesis in endangered plant Seseli lehmannii Degen
Seseli lehmannii Degen (genus Seseli L., family Apiaceae) is a rare endemic species of the Mountain Crimea flora which is listed in the European Red List and regional Red Book.
In nature, the number of S. lehmannii local populations ranges from 300 to 600 individuals, depending on climatic conditions of the year.
Preservation of the genepool of regional flora rare endangered species is particularly relevant.
According to the Global Strategy of Plant Biodiversity Conservation, in many countries, biotechnological methods have been used to conserve rare endangered plants.
For the first time, studies to identify the ways of in vitro morphogenesis in S. lehmannii have been carried out.
The initial material was inflorescences collected from donor plants in the summer.
An effective method for explants sterilization was developed and the number of aseptic explants was up to 70%. It was demonstrated that the realization of the morphogenetic capacity in S. lehmannii took place via indirect regeneration through in vitro adventitious shoot formation from callus and somatic embryogenesis.
It was revealed that 1.0-2.0 mg L‑1 BAP and 0.5-2.0 mg L‑1 NAA in RG culture medium induced organogenesis.
The formation of etiolated seedlings and morphogenic callus occurred after 70-90 days of culture in the dark at a temperature of 24±1°C. The initiation of adventitious bud development, single microshoots, as well as somatic embryogenesis was observed after 2-3 weeks culture.
Histological analysis of the morphogenic structures in S. lehmannii revealed the formation of meristematically active zones with subsequent differentiation of adventitious buds and somatic embryoids.
Mitrofanova, I.V., Mitrofanova, O.V., Rudenko, M.I., Lesnikova-Sedoshenko, N.P. and Kuzmina, T.N. (2020). In vitro morphogenesis in endangered plant Seseli lehmannii Degen. Acta Hortic. 1298, 257-264
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.35
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.35
rare endemic species, regeneration capacity, callus, inflorescence, somatic embryogenesis