The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens is the center of crop breeding development and biodiversity conservation
The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens is a leading scientific institution located in the south of Russia in the zone of dry subtropics with a Mediterranean climate.
It is one of the oldest scientific institutions in Russia.
It was founded in 1812 to promote the study of flora and vegetation of southern Russia and the development of agriculture in this region.
Currently, the NBG is a large scientific institute of botanical and plant-growing profile, which research concerns most areas presented in the conference program, more specifically: crop production, landscapes and parks, biodiversity conservation, biotechnology.
The most powerful is the crop-growing direction, which covers fruit growing, ornamental and technical crop production.
Plugatar, Yu.V. (2020). The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens is the center of crop breeding development and biodiversity conservation. Acta Hortic. 1298, 19-22
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.4
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.4
The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, the south of Russia, the study of flora and vegetation, research, crop production, landscapes, biodiversity conservation, biotechnology, crop-growing direction