Comparative effectiveness of various protection systems of the pear from Psilla pyri L. in the Crimea
The optimal timing of protective measures, including the use of environmentally acceptable insecticides in pear plantations, has been determined.
The high biological effectiveness of drugs from the group of regulators of growth and development of insects and neonicotinoids has been established.
The main complex of entomophages has been identified.
Two experimental systems for protecting pears against P. pyri have been developed and scientifically substantiated.
The systems are based on phytosanitary monitoring of the quantitative composition of various stages of phytophage ontogenesis and include a modern range of environmentally acceptable insecticides and regulations for their use.
The systems make it possible to effectively restrain the density of the P. pyri population during the growing season, while the damage to the harvest is in the range of 5.0%. The optimal pesticidal load (2.0 kg ha‑1, L ha‑1 of active substance per season) is given, which allows keeping in the garden the most optimal number of entomoacariphages, the excess of which practically eliminates the activity of the useful entomofauna.
It has been established that during the period when the outbreak of imago of the overwintered P. pyri generation has started, the use of preparations from the group of synthetic pyrethroids and vaseline oil 10-14 days later is required.
It has been determined that in order to limit the abundance of P. pyri in the period of the onset of egg laying and the appearance of larvae and nymphs of each generation of the pest, to apply growth and development regulators of insects is required.
In the period of development of nymphs and imago, the use of drugs from the groups of neonicotinoids is required.
Balykina, E., Korzh, D., Gorina, V. and Yagodinskaya, L. (2020). Comparative effectiveness of various protection systems of the pear from Psilla pyri L. in the Crimea. Acta Hortic. 1298, 469-476
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.64
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.64
agrocenosis, Psilla pyri L., biological efficiency, protection systems