Determination of pomological and biochemical features of some pecan nut cultivars which are grown in the Southeastern Anatolia region
Pecan is hard-shelled fruit and belong to the Carya genus (Juglandaceae). It is grown in different parts of the world, for example on the slopes of the Aegean and Mediterranean regions facing the sea.
In the study, pomological, chemical, total fat and fatty acids compositions of five pecan cultivars which are grown in the southeastern region, were investigated.
Pomological features such as fruit weight, length, width, height, kernel weight and shell thickness varied from 5.42 to 10.84 g, 34.51 to 51.83 mm, 21.99 to 26.18 mm, 23.20 to 25.40 mm, 2.42-6.10 g and 0.58 to 1.10 mm respectively.
The total fat contents of these cultivars ranged from 45.27 ('Mahan') to 58.69% ('Mohawk'). The dominant fatty acid was oleic acid in these samples, and this fatty acid was followed by linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acid.
Results showed quantitative differences in pecan cultivars with regard to pomological and fatty acid compositions and results suggested that 'Mahan' and 'Ideal' cultivars are most suitable for the Southeastern Anatolia region.
Binici, S.A., Muradoglu, F., Ak, B.E. and Akkus, G. (2020). Determination of pomological and biochemical features of some pecan nut cultivars which are grown in the Southeastern Anatolia region. Acta Hortic. 1299, 295-300
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1299.44
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1299.44
Carya illinoensis, fatty acid, proximate composition, walnut, Şanlıurfa