Applying non-host criteria against Mediterranean fruit fly populations to obtain market access for West Australian avocados

C.P.F. De Lima, E.R. Mansfield
Avocados are a valuable export crop from the south-west of Western Australia. The presence of endemic populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) necessitates quarantine treatments for exports. The host status of avocado fruits was assessed for the 'Reed' cultivar. Adult fruit fly populations were monitored in orchards and fruits were sampled for infestation. Laboratory tests were conducted by confining gravid females to host fruits at harvest maturity when avocados are rock hard to the touch. This data enabled the avocado industry to gain market access within Australia without requiring further disinfestation treatments.
De Lima, C.P.F. and Mansfield, E.R. (2020). Applying non-host criteria against Mediterranean fruit fly populations to obtain market access for West Australian avocados. Acta Hortic. 1299, 383-390
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1299.57
quarantine security, host status, area of low pest prevalence

Acta Horticulturae