Pruning mistakes and suggestions in tea orchards in Turkey
The tea plant (Camelia sinensis L.) is a perennial shrub in the form of a tree, with a lifespan of up to 100 years, with the ability to regenerate itself very rapidly in suitable climatic conditions, with constant shoot growth.
Pruning is the most important cultural measures after the harvest.
Tea leaves left to grow freely produce flowers and fruit while they shoot for tea production in very small quantities.
In countries producing tea in the world, different pruning levels (light, medium, heavy pruning) are applied.
When these different pruning methods are determined, climatic conditions (precipitation, altitude, soil structure, etc.) and cultural applications are taken as basis.
Especially at high altitudes where vegetation period is short and in arid climates, pruning period is kept longer and appropriate pruning and flapping methods are applied.
There are many problems with pruning in Tea Orchards and if you specify them in headings; 1. Pruning interval in Tea Gardens is long (10 years); 2. Misuse of equipment (pruning tools are maintenance-free and damage the plant); 3. Pruning workers do not have enough technical and practical knowledge about pruning.
In this study, Pruning mistakes and suggestions in Tea Gardens in Turkey were examined in detail.
Akbulut, M., Yazici, K., Bakoglu, N. and Goksu, B. (2020). Pruning mistakes and suggestions in tea orchards in Turkey. Acta Hortic. 1299, 57-60
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1299.9
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1299.9
tea, pruning, mistakes, suggestions, Turkey