New clingstone cultivars obtained in southeastern Romania
Peach is a species that grows and produces very well in the soils and climate in southeastern Romania.
At the Research Station for Fruit Growing Constanta (RSFG Constanta) the program for peach breeding started in 1970 based on a rich germplasm.
The main objectives were to: extend the harvest season, select for different tree habits and fruit shapes, productivity, tolerance to the main diseases, etc.
In addition, one of the main aims of the breeders was the creation of new clingstone cultivars with good and constant yields.
The present paper presents the new clingstone cultivars obtained at RSFG Constanta and their biological performances: high quality fruit with orange or white pulp, 12.5-13.0% dry matter and 0.41- 0.54 mg 100 g ‑1 FW acidity.
Average fruit mass ranged between 95 g ('Iustin' - flat fruit) and 230 g ('Mimi'). Fruit taste is very good and their flavor intensifies when cooked.
The average yield of these cultivars is high ('Catherine sel. 1' - 40.0 kg tree‑1) and constant every year.
The new cultivars are appropriate both for industrial use and direct consumption, improving the assortment of Romanian peaches.
Gavăt, C., Dumitru, L.M., Opriță, V.A. and Stănică, F. (2021). New clingstone cultivars obtained in southeastern Romania. Acta Hortic. 1304, 43-48
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1304.6
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1304.6
Prunus persica, assortment, quality of fruit, processing, canning