The profile of the phenolic components of grape cultivars of a complex genetic structure
The profile and features of the phenolic components of grape cultivars obtained from interspecific hybridization were studied.
Using HPLC analysis in the berries of the investigated cultivars 42 phenolic components of the flavonoid and non-flavonoid structure were identified.
The results showed that there was no significant difference in the qualitative composition of the majority of polyphenolic compounds in cultivars of a complex genetic structure compared to cultivars of Vitis vinifera L., while the quantitative content of the polyphenolic components differed.
The cluster analysis of data revealed the similarity of the phenolic complex in the cultivars with black berry Pamyati Golodrigi and Alminskiy (Ed=680); Antey Magarachskiy differed slightly from these cultivars (Ed=1000), while Cabernet Sauvignon differed significantly from other cultivars (Ed=1600). Among the cultivars with white berry the similarity was detected between Pervenets Magaracha, Tsitronnyy Magaracha and Shardone (Ed=157-350); Risling Magaracha was separated into a single group (Ed=1220). Among the monomeric flavonoids of the anthocyanin group, the glycosides of delphinidine, malvidin, cyanidine, petunidin, peonidine and their derivatives were identified in the selective cultivars with black berry.
It was established that the total content of anthocyanidins was 1467 mg L‑1 (Pamyati Golodrigi) - 1585 mg L‑1 Antey Magarachskiy), which exceeded the similar indicator of Cabernet-Sauvignon in 2 times.
Among the components of the anthocyanin profile, 3.5-0-diglycoside anthocyanins were identified, in particular, malvidin-diglucoside and its derivatives, the concentration of which varied within 7-423.8 mg L‑1. The cluster analysis revealed the similarity of the anthocyanins complex in Cabernet Sauvignon and Antey magarachskiy (Ed=1000). Pamyati Golodrigi (Ed=1940) and Alminskiy (Ed=2430) differed significantly from this group of cultivars and constituted separate clusters.
Levchenko, S., Volynkin, V., Likhovskoi, V., Vasylyk, I., Ostroukhova, E., Vasylyk, А., Ryff, I., Berezovskaya, S., Boyko, V. and Belash, D. (2021). The profile of the phenolic components of grape cultivars of a complex genetic structure. Acta Hortic. 1307, 391-398
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1307.59
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1307.59
cultivar, HPLC, phenolic acids, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, procyanidins, anthocyanins