Lycium barbarum L. - a new cultivated species in Romania
Originally from China, Lycium barbarum L. (goji berry), also known as Gou Qi Zi has become an important fruit crop in the last years in Europe, due to its sanogenic properties that was discovered and used by the Traditional Chinese Medicine thousands of years ago.
Goji berry is becoming increasingly popular also in Romania, not only among the producers and consumers but among scientists as well.
Previous studies show that Lycium barbarum L. appears in different countries from Europe being generally considered as an ornamental species.
In 2011, the first cultivars of Lycium barbarum L. from Europe were granted by the Community Plant Variety Rights: Synthia and Natasha (QZ European Union, 2011), JB1 (Bulgaria, National list, 2013), GB1 (Bulgaria, National list, 2013) and Magestic (QZ European Union, 2016). In 2017, in Romania, the first two cultivars of Licyum barbarum L. Erma and Transilvania were granted.
This study presents the main characteristics of these cultivars and the micropropagation protocol.
Clapa, D., Fira, A., Borsai, O., Hârța, M., Sisea, C.R., Dumitraş, A.F. and Pamfil, D. (2021). Lycium barbarum L. - a new cultivated species in Romania. Acta Hortic. 1308, 205-212
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1308.29
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1308.29
goji berry, starch, benzyladenine, 'Erma', 'Transilvania'