Assessment of strawberry pre-breeding material for crown rot resistance and root traits by high-throughput screening
Climate change may result in increased root system stresses in strawberry cultivation, requiring cultivars with root and crown-related resistance and resiliency traits.
Approaches to widen the genetic basis and improve tools for the incorporation of novel variation are relevant to plant breeding for changing climate.
The pre-breeding project NORDFRUIT is a Nordic public-private-partnership project that aims to introduce novel genetic variation from new sources, support the use of existing genetic resources adapted to Nordic and Baltic cultivation conditions, and develop efficient tools to speed up germplasm evaluation in breeding programs for climate adaptation.
Pre-evaluated genotypes of Fragaria chiloensis or Fragaria virginiana were used as parents in interspecific (species hybridization) crosses, re-creating the garden strawberry hybrid species, F. ×ananassa. The created F1 hybrid seedlings were propagated by runners for replicated phenotyping trials.
A greenhouse assay to test root-shoot biomass partition, growth vigour and Phytophthora cactorum resistance in these small plants was scaled up from an earlier assay based on nutrient film technology (NFT). The observed variation in disease symptom appearance, root-shoot ratio, and root proliferation indicated promising traits in the strawberry hybrid material, to be exploited further in genomic studies and to develop genome-assisted resistance breeding.
The on-going work also includes field testing of the same hybrid material to evaluate winter hardiness, powdery mildew incidence, and fruit traits.
Haikonen, T., Davik, J., Rantanen, M., Parikka, P., Näkkilä, J., Karhu, S., Alsheikh, M. and Hjeltnes, S.H. (2021). Assessment of strawberry pre-breeding material for crown rot resistance and root traits by high-throughput screening. Acta Hortic. 1309, 119-126
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.18
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1309.18
breeding, interspecific hybrids, NFT, Phytophthora cactorum
- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
- Division Horticulture for Development
- Division Horticulture for Human Health
- Division Plant Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
- Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture
- Commission Agroecology and Organic Farming Systems
- Working Group Strawberry Culture and Management